Dr John Jaquish explains why Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time

Our old friend, and frequent guest, Dr John Jaquish ( AKA Doctor J) has a new book coming out and it is sure to ruffle the feathers of many in the Health & Fitness industry.

Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, so is cardio and there’s a better way to get the body you want.

Don’t get upset at us at What’s Your Emergency Radio…that’s the title of Doctor J’s new book.

Doctor J visits the show once again to touch on X3 Bar, nutrition habits and his new book, written with Henry Alkire, that is full of references, studies and evidence that what you’ve always been told about weight lifting and cardio is wrong. And like any researcher worth their weight (or BMI) will do, he comes with solutions in tow.

Without pulling any punches, and with evidence to back it up, Doctor J discusses:

  • How science is against free weights and cardio
  • A step by step guide in Chapter 10 to achieve the goals Doctor J has seen
  • An extended chapter about diet, nutrition and intermittent fasting
  • Testosterone, Growth Hormone and how simply breaking a sweat isn’t doing much for your health or fitness goals at all

MC also discusses his successes with the X3 Bar and Justin asks a few too many questions about the science, but Doctor J is always all answers.


Doctor J’s new book of course!

Save $50 off the X3 Bar by using “MotorCop” at checkout.*

*MC is an affiliate of the X3 Bar. That just means if you use the coupon code, he gets a commission (and you save $50!).

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