Active Shooter Rescue Task Force with Thomas Beers

Thomas Beers

Columbine High School changed everything and Thomas Beers is on the front lines of that change. As the EMS Manager for Cleveland Clinic Health he not only teaches Tactical EMS response but has had his hands in shaping the curriculum most departments rely on when they hear “active shooter.” So why did HM pick a fight with him on Twitter?

Because it’s HM and he has his own experiences with the RTF and took issue with some of the assumptions regarding injury patterns, capabilities of the RTF vs LEO application of TQs and packing gauze and a whole host of other things.

So what do you do when you get in an argument on Twitter? You invite the other guy on your radio show of course.

  • Where did the Rescue Task Force concept originate?
  • Is the RTF the best model to apply lifesaving treatments in the warm zone?
  • Will most “active shooter” incidents be over before EMS or Fire arrive?
  • Has EMS let the active shooter curriculum get out of control and be about sensational incidents instead of co-ordination with law enforcement.
  • Can HM get MC to stop giggling long enough to get Thomas Beers to say “Yes it’s gotten too sexy?”

Subscribe and rate the show, but more importantly, talk with those in the other disciplines and manage expectations before the shooting starts.


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