Safest Family on the Block with Jason Brick

Author, editor and martial arts expert Jason Brick, one of Justin’s old friends, is starting up a new video podcast for families looking to be as safe as possible whenever possible.

As you’ll hear in this episode, there’s far more to safe families than baby locks and putting sharp things up high.

Jason’s new show ranges from childhood injury prevention to situational awareness, suicide awareness and prevention and many, many more subjects every parent needs to know. Join Jason Brick…6th degree black belt, journalist, and father of two…in talks with experts from every discipline about how to keep our kids and families safer.

Our experts ask Jason Brick about:

  • What was something he learned to protect his family he didn’t already know.
  • Is there a way both parents can share the load when out of the home?
  • Is a home first aid kid really so important?
  • Why does Jason have D&D books on his book shelf?

You can watch his show HERE on his Youtube channel.


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