Support the Show!

Support What’s Your Emergency!

Thanks for listening!  WYE Radio will always be free to listen to, but it isn’t free to produce. All the costs associated with podcasting (hosting, archiving and all the other technical aspects of making sure the show is free to you) is covered in part by you, our listeners.

If you want to support the show financially, go to our Patreon page and thumb a couple bucks to the show if you can.

As a patron of the show you are entitled to insider content, news, videos and outtakes from our guests that other subscribers may never see.  We love our patrons and frequently mention their support during our episodes.

Sponsor/Affiliate Relationships

Here at WYE Radio, we are happy to provide our audience with beneficial products and/or services. What we don’t do is spam them with random items we’ve never used ourselves or have no direct benefit for the sake of putting a few bucks in our pockets. Thus, the products and/or services we recommend have to meet an important caveat:  It has to be something we already use or something we want to try.  This means that at least one of the hosts has actually used the product or offered a favorable review after testing it.  Any testimonials offered on the show by the hosts are their true opinion and not that of a marketer or sponsor.  If you’d like us to demo your product, post an unboxing video and test it in the field (where appropriate and approved) send a link to for law enforcement items or to for fire or EMS related items.

If you have a product and/or service you believe would benefit our audience of first responders and those that support them, please feel free to reach out to us. If you have a Fire/EMS-specific product or service, you can email Justin. If you have a Police-specific product or service, you can email Jason. If you have a product or service that isn’t first responder-specific, you can email either of them.

Some of the discounts offered on WYE Radio also offer affiliate commissions to your hosts in addition to your discount.  The affiliate commission comes at no additional cost to you. A portion of these proceeds also go towards keeping the show free to download and listen to.  In other words, you need the thing, use our code to get a discount on the thing, we get a commission, everyone wins!

Resources Page

For a list of the products and services WYE Radio recommends, be sure to check out our Resources page.

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