February 5, 2020

Ask WYE – Issue 34 – Spouses and Money: How to bring them together

As a financial coach, there is one question MC hears more often than most, “How do I get my spouse on board with a budget?”

Oof…talk about a marital minefield!

Not to worry, MC has some great advice for you (not to mention a chance to make your financial dreams a reality) in this week’s Ask WYE. MC will walk you through five easy steps to start the conversation with your spouse/significant other and get you both on the same page with your finances.

You’ll learn:

  • The best mindset with which to enter the conversation
  • The absolutely foundational step you must do to help guarantee your success
  • What dreaming has to do with your money and your marriage
  • Why pronouns matter when it comes to money

Bonus: If you’ve no idea how to go from concept to practical deployment of a budget, you’re in luck! A few months ago, MC worked with a core set of folks that went through a 5-Day Budgeting Challenge. Over those five days, they went from not knowing where to start to building a unique financial spending plan for each of them…so long as they did they work (and they did!).

After that experience, MC decided to make the Challenge available on a permanent basis that anyone can start at any time. The course doesn’t follow his schedule, it follows yours. Whether you choose to smash it in less than five days, or you take a few days more, the pace is entirely up to you. 

As of the original airing of this episode (2/4/20), the course has yet to open, but below, you can enter your information and be notified when it opens. The goal is to launch by the end of February.

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