LEO and Paramedic Sean Eddy and his Tik Tok Lawyer Rant

Podchaser - What’s Your Emergency

Old friend and friend of the show, Sean Eddy first met us back in the Chronicles of EMS days as a Paramedic. Skip ahead a decade and he’s living his best life as a Police Officer in Texas while still working EMS on the side. Add to that an impressive stretch as a guitarist and musician and he’s the perfect guest for WYE, especially with a recent rant about TikTok lawyers.

In Sean’s post he mentions that his job would be so much easier if driver’s weren’t taking bad advice from Tik Tok Lawyers and the comments were hilarious so we fired up the microphones and got him to elaborate on some of the interactions that keep him scratching his head.

This week we talk about:

  • How the people who scream “I know my rights!” usually don’t
  • When and how to finally pull over if signaled to do so by lights and siren
  • That Texas is a big, odd place, especially at 3 AM
  • That your hosts can almost predict your car and clothing based on your interaction with Police


Sean Eddy’s BOLO is Wilderness Navigation, 3rd Edition by Mike Burns and Bob Burns

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