Season 5 Premier!

Podchaser - What’s Your Emergency

The boys are back in town and they’ve got some amazing and fun stories to share about their Christmas breaks! While MC was driving north to spend time with his retired Fireman dad (and 3 kids and 3 dogs in 1 car) HM was headed South to warm temps and a respiratory infection mixed with flight delays.

In the end they received some fun gifts from family and friends and have a chance to share how their patrons at continue to support the show moving in to 2023!

They’ve also announced the return of the Patch Coaster program!

So thumb a couple bucks to keep the show free for everyone,

Buy us a beer or two,

Or just continue to enjoy the shenanigans of the world’s first, best, and still ONLY Fire, Police EMS podcast!


Patron Art’s sponsorship is the book Connecticut River Valley Flood of 1936.

From the publisher Arcadia Publishing:

“In the beginning of the twentieth century, the Connecticut River Valley was a thriving manufacturing hub for fabric, arms and brass. But early in the spring of 1936, nearly two feet of rain created havoc on a massive scale, killing more than one hundred people and leaving tens of thousands homeless, unemployed and without power for weeks. Patrols were conducted in rowboats on city streets. Typhoid and other public health issues complicated recovery efforts. Adjusted for today’s standard, damage estimates exceeded $9 billion, and the flood helped launch FDR’s Flood Control Act of 1936. Dams, reservoirs and dikes were constructed to control future flooding. Much of that system now remains in place but has gone largely unmaintained. Author Josh Shanley recounts the greatest flood in New England history and examines the potential for future floods.”

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