March 20, 2019

Ask WYE – Issue 16 – Why Are You Here?

One of MC’s little ones figured out the blue microphone on our homepage and sent a question this week that is often heard in interview panels the world over, especially in the three disciplines: How and when did you know you wanted this job?

MC has a distinct moment, HM more of a feeling, but it goes to the core of what we do. Are you here for a check and a pension or is there some deeper reason you decided to take the test and join up with the Department?

Also, what if you didn’t make that choice? Where would you be now? What would you be doing? If whatever that is seems more interesting than the badge, it may be time to reevaluate your choices. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all.

Have a listen and share with us your story of when you knew what you wanted to do. Drop it as a comment here or send us your 90 second voicemail using the blue microphone at

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