First Responder Tax Relief – What does it all mean?

Each year the guys bring in Kim Schorr, owner of KMSTaxPrep to offer guidance and answer questions about filing taxes as a first responder. Do we get certain write-offs, benefits or access to any programs that can help us? Usually these questions are straight forward and the answers equally so.

But as you are well aware, 2020 is being, well, difficult.

Lots of rumors and bad advice are swirling around the firehouse, ambulance yard and briefing room at the PD so we brought Kim in to tell us what’s what.

Here’s what you’ll learn from a tax pro this week:

  • What are the Covid-19 tax stimulus checks going to look like?
  • How will Uncle Sam know I’m eligible?
  • Is this a loan, or advance on my taxes for next year?
  • Do I still need to file my taxes on April 15th this year?

And a reminder, while our guest is a tax expert, the advice given on the show is an example only and each listener should contact a tax or investment expert for details on their specific situation.

Need a tax pro? We know one.

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