Justin is in the hospital, they think he had a stroke

Podchaser - What’s Your Emergency

A few weeks back Jason was sitting in his front yard enjoying a breezy afternoon when his wife’s phone rang. On the other end was Justin’s sobbing wife, explaining that the hospital had called her and Justin was in the Emergency Room, apparently suffering a stroke at the firehouse an hour away.

Would you know what to do next?

This week the guys sit down to talk about their recent emergency, both from the patient’s point of view and from the family members and friends learning of the event and what to do next.

It is important to at least discuss this possibility before it happens. You can have an informal chat with your spouse or go as far as Justin’s family, having a written plan, but it’s always better to discuss it first.

Justin is on the mend and on medication for aphasia Migraines, headaches so bad you can’t talk, and his recovery continues.

We discuss:

  • What happened to Justin that day and how he came to be in the hospital
  • How Justin’s wife reacted to the phone call and what she did next
  • Where Jason was and what he was ready to do
  • Managing stress before it manages you


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