Managing Expectations – MC as an FTO

MC and HM fire up the mics to talk about MC’s new adventure: Field Training Officer. HM asks him to describe how he has prepared for this role and what he expects of the new officer who will be assigned to him the very next day!

  • What are first day expectation of the FTO towards the new officer?
  • What is the officer expecting from the FTO?
  • How can an FTO set a fair boundary of mentor/friend?
  • What 3 things will the officer not have that he’ll need by the end of the 4 week training?

MC has all those answers and we even give the new officer a code name for the show so we don’t have to keep referring them as “the trainee.” What name did we choose? Have a listen to find out!

Here’s links to the things MC’s trainee will benefit from before the 4 weeks is up:

TacVent – Use “MC10” for 10% your purchase.

The MicLoop – Keep your comms reliable and where they belong!


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