Stump MC – Trivia from a crazy week in first responder land

Podchaser - What’s Your Emergency

Long ago, on the show that must not be named, we had a segment where Justin the Fireman would try to stump MC the Cop about stories littering the social media feeds from the worlds of Disaster Response, Fire, Police, EMS and the Military. He would often come close to an answer but not quite make it, earning himself a portion of a dabloon or some other trinket.

This week Justin pulls three stories from the feeds and sees if MC can guess what’s going on. Have a listen to see if you too can guess right, then see the links below for the stories:

Story 1: What was so special about the recent launch of the USS Abraham Lincoln and her carrier group?

Story 2: How did this man in custody catch on fire?

Story 3: Investigators of a fatal fire in Philly that left 12 dead, including 7 children, learned it was started how?

Well, how did you do on our quiz?

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